~ Jungle Survival ~
Amazon Rain Forest Peru
Construction of lean-to
How to select site, soil and drainage aspects. What woods to use to set up framework; how to use irapay palm Lepidocaryum tenue fronds to rainproof.
Construction of fire
Recognition of wood that will have hard, dry interior even when the exterior is waterlogged by rainforest humidity; use of copal resin as fire starter.
Sources of pure water
Immature yarina Phytelephas macrocarpa fruits; puca huasca vine Doliocarpus dentatus and cano huasca vine Uncaria spp..
Sources of food
Palm fruits; palm hearts from Euterpe and Iriartea genera; edible beetle grubs; legumes, especially from Inga genus; using barbasco Lonchocarpus sap to stun fish; canabrava Gynerium sagittatum to build fish trap; tamshi vine Carludovica devergens to make animal snare.
Raft construction
Recognition of balsa wood, tied together with tamshi vine, oar from remo caspii Styrax acuminatum.
Mosquito repellent
Made from Nasutitermes termites.
Fishing spear from cumaceba Cesalpina echinata; bow from cashapona Iriartea exorrhiza, string from chambira Astrocaryum chambira, arrowshafts from bamboo and arrowheads from cumaceba.
Survival Medicines
Venomous snakebite–piripiri leaves Cyperus articulatus
Venomous insect–curarina bark Potalia amara
Fever–sanango root Sanango durum
Disinfectant–pichirina sap Vismia angusta
Field dressing–fiber inside bark of machimango Ceiba species
Antiparasitical–oje sap Ficus antihelmintica
Dysentery or gastrointestinal distress–hierba luisa leaves Cymbopogon citratus